ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier, is a global, nonprofit organization that receives fees from its member organizations. It is a community-based organization that is governed by a Board of Directors that represents its membership and broadly represents stakeholders. ORCID is also supported by a professional and dedicated staff.
ORCID’s vision is a global one where everyone who engages in research, scholarship, and innovation is uniquely identified and connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time.
In order to realize its vision, ORCID strives to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations by providing a unique and enduring identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
It does this by offering three interconnected services:
- ORCID iD: a unique, permanent identifier for researchers, free of charge
- The ORCID Registry connected to the ORCID ID
- A suite of APIs, as well as services and community-of-practice support that enable interoperability between the ORCID Registry and member organizations so that researchers can choose to allow their identifiers to be linked to their affiliations and contributions
A core focus of the 2022–2025 strategic period is to build engagement with ORCID as a core component of the research experience, for researchers and members alike. We invite you to review From Vision to Value: ORCID’s Strategic Plan for 2022–2025. We hope it will inspire members to engage as they plan their own work and activities.
ORCID is an integral part of the broader digital infrastructure needed for researchers to share information globally. It puts the researcher at the center of everything it does.
Founding Principles
- ORCID will support the creation of a permanent, clear, and unambiguous record of scholarly research and communication by enabling reliable attribution of authors and contributors.
- ORCID will transcend disciplinary, geographic, national, and institutional boundaries.
- Participation in ORCID is open to any organization with an interest in scholarly research and communication.
- ORCID services will be accessible on the basis of transparent, nondiscriminatory terms published on the ORCID website.
- Researchers will be able to create, edit, and maintain an ORCID ID and record free of charge.
- Researchers will control the specific privacy settings for their ORCID record data.
- All data contributed or claimed by researchers to ORCID will be available in standard formats for free download (subject to researchers’ privacy settings), updated once a year, and released under a CC0 waiver.
- All software developed by ORCID will be released publicly under an open source software license approved by the Open Source Initiative. For software that it adopts, ORCID will give preference to open source software.
- ORCID identifiers and registration data (subject to privacy settings) will be available through a range of free and paid APIs and services. Any fees will be determined to ensure ORCID’s sustainability as a nonprofit charitable organization focused on the long-term viability of the ORCID ecosystem.
- ORCID will be governed by representatives from a broad range of stakeholders, the majority of whom are nonprofit organizations, and will strive to maximize transparency by publicly publishing summaries of all board meetings and annual financial reports.
Source: https://orcid.org